How to remove the copyright from Prestashop footer

James Clark
Jun 10, 2021


Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

1. Create a child theme

If you use the classic theme, then create a new directory called classic_child with the following layout.

├── config/
│ ├── theme.yml
└── preview.png

Copy the preview.png from the parent theme.

The theme.yml should contain:

parent: classic
name: classic_child
display_name: Classic child theme
version: 1.0.0
use_parent_assets: true

2. Create footer file

Create the file: classic_child/templates/_partials/footer.tpl with this content:

{extends file='parent:_partials/footer.tpl'}{block name='copyright_link'}{/block}

This will effectively remove the content in the copyright location. To instead replace it with something else do this:

{extends file='parent:_partials/footer.tpl'}{block name='copyright_link'}New content goes here{/block}

